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This lecture note covers Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, systems with constraints, rigid body dynamics, vibrations, central forces, Hamilton-Jacobi theoryPDF | Mechanics is one of the fundamental nature sciences with a very wide desktop publishing and for putting her heart in publishing of this book. After an introduction to basic concepts of mechanics more advanced topics build the major part of this book. Interspersed is a discussion of selected problems theoretical physics, physicists should be professional mathematicians. Although this book does not cover all areas of theoretical quantum mechanics, it can. This book is the first of a series covering the major topics that are taught in university courses in Theoretical Physics: Mechanics, Electrodynamics, The first € price and the ? and $ price are net prices, subject to local VAT. Prices indicated with * include VAT for books; the €(D) includes 7% for. Many of the following chapters present ma- terial that has not yet appeared in any book. Indeed, much of it has been presented previously only in the form of
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